Lisbon meeting of the project TWING – First Scientific Meeting

TWING > News > Events > Lisbon meeting of the project TWING – First Scientific Meeting

First Scientific Meeting – 15th and 16th of June

Thursday 15th of June

16:00h-16:10h (Local time)


  • Welcome to the meeting and explanation of the session
    Notus subcontractors Antonio Moniz and Nuno Boavida (5 minutes)
  • Introduction to the TWING project: work done so far, purpose of the 1st scientific meeting
    Notus, Pablo Sanz (5 minutes)
16:10-17:10 h – 1st session:

Previous EU research on the topic

  • Eurofound previous research
    Eurofound, Ricardo Rodríguez Contreras (15 minutes)
  • EU-OSHA previous research
    EU-OSHA, Maurizio Curtarelli (15 minutes)
  • Q/A + Joint discussion (15 minutes)
17:10-17:30 hCoffee Break
17:30- 19:00 h2nd session

Desk research findings

  • Portugal: Presentation desk research findings 
    Notus subcontractors Antonio Moniz and Nuno Boavida (15 minutes)
  • Spain: Presentation desk research findings
    Notus, Juan Arasanz and Martí Fernández (15 minutes)
  • Q/A + Joint discussion Portugal and Spain (10 minutes)
  • Estonia: Presentation desk research findings
    Praxis, Kirsti Melesk (15 minutes)
  • Poland: Presentation desk research findings
    ISP, Dominik Owczarek and Maciej Pankow (15 minutes)
  • Q/A + Joint discussion Estonia and Poland (10 minutes)
20:00 h Social Dinner

Friday 16th of June

9:00-9:15 – Welcome Coffee
9:15-10:00 h. – 1st session

Desk research findings

  • Austria: Presentation desk research findings
    Forba, Georg Adam (15 minutes)
  • Finland: Presentation desk research findings
    University of Jyväskylä, Sanna Saksela-Bergholm
    (15 minutes)
  • Q/A + Joint discussion Austria and Finland (10 minutes)
10:00-11:00 h – 2nd session

Comparative findings

  • Key findings statistical analysis
    Praxis, Kirsti Melesk (20 minutes)
  • Q/A + Joint discussion (10 minutes)
  • Comparative preliminary findings
    Notus, Pablo Sanz (20 minutes)
  • Q/A + Joint discussion (10 minutes)
11:00-11:10 h – Coffee Break
11:10-12:10 h – 3rd session

Fieldwork research

  • Research objectives and methods (Notus, Pablo Sanz, 10 minutes)
  • Enriching initial research design: national contributions
    • Key research questions/objectives from Austria. Forba, Georg Adam (5 minutes)
    • Key research questions/objectives from Estonia. Praxis, Kirsti Melesk (5 minutes)
    • Key research questions/objectives from Finland. University of Jyväskylä, Sanna Saksela-Bergholm (5 minutes)
    • Key research questions/objectives from Poland. ISP, Dominik Owczarek and Maciej Pankow (5 minutes)
    • Key research questions/objectives from Portugal. Notus subcontractors Antonio Moniz and Nuno Boavida (5 minutes)
    • Key research questions/objectives from Spain. Notus, Juan Arasanz (5 minutes)
  • Advisory board comments/suggestions (20 minutes)
12:10-13:10 h – Lunch

