Kick-off meeting

TWING > News > Events > Kick-off meeting

On the 22nd of November, the project kick-off meeting was held virtually. The meeting was attended by members from the five partners involved in the project (Forba, Praxis, Nouts, University of Kyväskylä and ISP), the associate partners (Fundación 1º de Mayo – CCOO, YTN Federation of professional and managerial staff) and the advisory board

The meeting started with a welcome by Pablo Sanz (Notus) and a brief presentation of participants from each institution involved in the project. Secondly, Pablo Sanz (Notus) presented the workplan, followed by a round of questions. Thirdly, Pablo Sanz presented some background information of the research topic and the second work package (desk research). The presentation was followed by a round of comments and questions. Also, partners discussed all the upcoming deliverables and decided about the next steps of the project. Fourthly, the work package for the statistical analysis was presented by Ingel Kadarik (Praxis), also followed by a round of comments and suggestions. Fifthly, Agustín Valverde (Notus) provided information about the administrative requirements. 

