2nd scientific meeting

TWING > News > Events > 2nd scientific meeting

The 2nd Scientific Meeting in Warsaw, scheduled for March 12th and 13th, 2024, will be held at the Institute of Public Affairs. The agenda encompasses various sessions focusing on fieldwork findings from different European countries, comparative perspectives, and transferability workshops. Discussions will explore topics such as the challenges and benefits of telework, work-life balance, control, and isolation. Additionally, there will be a panel discussion featuring experts from notable institutions, providing insights and perspectives on these critical issues. The event will also offer opportunities for networking and collaboration among participants.

The second day of the meeting will feature the open session “Paradoxes and illusions of telework – work-life balance, control, and isolation.” This session will delve into the challenges and benefits of telework, particularly in the context of the post-COVID era, exploring experiences from various European countries. Telework, which has become increasingly prevalent, presents both opportunities and obstacles, including issues related to workspace preparation, health and safety concerns, and the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life. The discussion will address questions about the overall impact of telework on workers’ well-being and productivity, as well as potential strategies for optimizing its benefits while mitigating negative consequences.

OPEN SESSION REGISTRATION: https://www.isp.org.pl/en/events/paradoxes-and-illusions-of-telework-work-life-balance-control-and-isolation

Second Scientific Meeting – 12th and 13th of March

Tuesday 12th of March

16:00h-16:10h (Local time)


  • Welcome
    Dominik Owczarek, Institute of Public Affairs
  • Introduction to the 2nd Scientific meeting
    Pablo Sanz, Universidad de Zaragoza
16:10-18:10 h – 1st session:

Fieldwork findings 

  • Portugal: Antonio Moniz/Nuno Boavida, NOTUS/UNL 15 minutes
  • Spain: Juan Arasanz and Martí Fernández, NOTUS, 15 minutes
  • Q/A + Joint discussion Portugal and Spain (10 minutes)
  • Estonia: Kirsti Melesk, PRAXIS, 15 minutes
  • Poland: Dominik Owczarek and Maciej Pańków, IPA, 15 minutes
  • Q/A + Joint discussion Estonia and Poland (10 minutes)
  • Austria: Georg Adam, FORBA, 15 minutes
  • Finland: Sanna Saksela-Bergholm, University of Jyväskylä, 15 minutes
  • Q/A + Joint discussion Austria and Finland (10 minutes)
18:10-18:30 hCoffee Break
18:30- 19:00 h2nd session

Steering Committee meeting

  • Marc Caballero, NOTUS
20:00 h Social Dinner

Wednesday 13th of March

9:00-09:45 h. – 1st session

Comparative perspective

  • Presentation of the comparative analysis, Pablo Sanz, Universidad de Zaragoza, 30 minutes
  • Q/A + discussion (15 minutes)
09:45-10:45 h – 2nd session

Transferability workshops – methodology and workplan

  • Presentation of the concept of transferability workshops, Georg Adam, Philip Schörpf, Forba, 30 minutes
  • Q/A + discussion (30 minutes)
10:45-11:00 h – Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 h

Open session “Paradoxes and illusions of telework – work-life balance, control and isolation”

Registration: https://www.isp.org.pl/en/events/paradoxes-and-illusions-of-telework-work-life-balance-control-and-isolation

  • Welcome, Dominik Owczarek, Institute of Public Affairs, 5 minutes
  • Introduction to TWING project – key results, Pablo Sanz, Universidad de Zaragoza, 15 minutes
    • Panel discussion
  • Nuno Boavida, NOTUS
  • Philipp Brokes, AK Wien 
  • Maurizio Curtarelli, EU-OSHA
  • Paulina Barańska, University of Warsaw, NSZZ “Solidarność”
  • Q/A + Joint discussion (30 minutes)
  • Moderation: Sanna Saksela-Bergholm, University of Jyväskylä
  • English and Polish interpretation will be provided. 
13:00-14:00 h – Lunch

