Work Packages

Work Package 1: Project management, coordination and quality control


• Drive scientific coordination among partners and advisory board members
• Ensure project delivery in terms of quality of results and timeliness
• Guarantee efficient administrative and economic project management

Work Package 2: Desk research and statistical analysis


• Provide a state-of-the-art of the impact of COVID-19 crisis on teleworking patterns, working conditions and regulation in the selected countries and sectors, based on national desk research
• Analyse the impact of COVID-19 crisis on teleworking patterns and working conditions in the selected countries and sectors, based on available EU sources
• Provide a comparative overview of the main findings of desk research and statistical analysis

Work Package 3: Fieldwork


• Analyse social partners’ discourse and practice on telework, including their views on the impact of COVID-19 crisis, recent trends in social dialogue and collective bargaining at national, sectoral and company level, and future prospects
• Identify and analyse good practices of social dialogue and collective bargaining addressing telework arrangements at company level since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic

Work Package 4: Concluding analysis and transferability


• Provide a concluding analysis of the research carried out (desk research, statistical analysis, interviews and mini-case studies).
• Explore the transferability of the most innovative social partners’ actions identified, in particular the good practices selected at company level.
• Elaborate recommendations for social partners and policy makers to promote decent and productive telework through social dialogue and collective bargaining.

Work Package 5: Dissemination and engagement


• Inform a wide range of national and international audiences (social partners, policy makers, experts) about the project and its results.
• Stimulate engagement and uptake of the results, in particular involving social partners, through scientific meetings, workshops and final conference.