TWING Project dissemination update: key activities on the Spanish Case Study

TWING > News > News > TWING Project dissemination update: key activities on the Spanish Case Study

The TWING Project has recently advanced its dissemination efforts through two significant activities, both centered on the findings from the Spanish case study.

Firstly, during the XV Congreso Español de Sociología held in Seville from June 26-29, 2024, our team presented a paper detailing the results of the fieldwork conducted in Spain. This prestigious event provided an excellent platform to share insights and engage with scholars and practitioners in the field of sociology, fostering a rich exchange of ideas on the evolving landscape of telework.

In addition, the project’s findings have been featured in an article published in the latest issue of Barcelona Metrópolis. The article, titled “Teletrabajo, más dudas que certezas”, delves into the complexities and uncertainties surrounding telework in Spain. It critically examines the impact of telework on various sectors and raises important questions about its future trajectory.

These activities mark important milestones in the TWING Project’s ongoing mission to contribute to the understanding and development of telework practices across Europe.

