Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt, Working Life Research Centre (FORBA) Austria.
Independent research institute specialised in social-science research on topical issues of work and employment. The institute is interdisciplinary and international in character, looking back on long-term cooperation with researchers in the EU and overseas. In terms of their training and background, FORBA’s academic staff cover sociology, political science, business administration and computer science, with research activities at the institute centered on both basic and applied research in these areas. Knowledge transfer aimed at translating research findings into social practice forms an integral part of the institute’s activities. FORBA wants to add to the knowledge available on work and employment and to provide policy advice with the aim of contributing to better working conditions. Research at the institute specialises in issues of work and employment. Within this clearly defined profile, it covers a broad range of topics and activities, including digitalisation and telework. FORBA has conducted research commissioned by various national and international institutions including the European Commission, Eurofound, the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour, several Austrian Federal Ministries, as well as various national funding institutions for both applied and basic research (e.g. the Austrian Science Fund FWF, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Vienna Science and Technology Fund WWTF).