About Twing
The general objectives of TWING are:
Explore how COVID-19 crisis has impacted telework in six countries and four sectors which present different constrains and opportunities in relation to telework arrangements.
Analyse the impact on employment and working conditions resulting from the massive transition to telework in the context of COVID-19 crisis in six countries and four sectors where traditional work arrangements greatly differ in terms of labour process, mobility patterns and workers’ characteristics
Analyse how social dialogue and collective bargaining in six countries and four sectors is responding to the challenges brought by the potential expansion of telework in the post-COVID-19 scenario
Identify and analyse good practices of social dialogue at company level addressing the topic of telework since the outbreak of the pandemic
Support social partners to improve the regulation of telework by facilitating reflection, mutual learning and consensus building on practices implemented by social partners in different countries and sectors.

The research questions
addressed by TWING are:
- How has the COVID-19 crisis impacted telework patterns in the selected countries and sectors, which present different constrains and opportunities in relation to this work arrangement?
- What has been the impact on employment and working conditions resulting from the massive transition to telework in the context of COVID-19 crisis in the selected countries and sectors, where traditional work arrangements greatly differ in terms of labour process, mobility patterns and workers’ characteristics?
- How has the experience of extended telework since the outbreak of the pandemic changed the way trade unions and employers’ organisations understand and frame this topic at national and sectoral level in the selected countries and sectors?
- How has the experience of extended telework since the outbreak of the pandemic been addressed in statutory legislation and national social dialogue in the selected countries?
- How has the experience of extended telework since the outbreak of the pandemic been addressed in sectoral collective bargaining in the selected sectors and countries?
- How has the experience of extended telework since the outbreak of the pandemic been addressed in company collective bargaining and information and consultation practices in the selected countries and sectors?
- What good practices of social dialogue at company level addressing the topic of telework since the outbreak of the pandemic can be identified?
- How can social partners improve the regulation of telework at national, sectoral and company level?